Fassmer Technical Projects – Code of Conduct
Experience meets Innovation
Fassmer has been a family-owned company ever since its founding in 1850. Our predecessors always worked hard for the implementation of new ideas and for continuous improvement in every way. Today, we continue to follow this trail. With our long tradition of high-quality, innovative products, we take great pride in preserving and enhancing our company’s long and proud tradition. Delivering excellence according to our customer’s’ needs, on time and on within budget, is our motivation. Fassmer adheres to strict values when it comes to high quality, sustainability and environmental and social responsibility. Our values represent what we stand for.
Being Respectful and Social Behavior
All our employees are committed to producing the very best products for our customers. But we not only demand a lot from our employees, we also offer them a lot in return. Of course we are aware that we have a high responsibility for their social welfare, their security and their health, and we implement this by providing a safe and healthy working environment, which we constantly seek to improve. So we work constantly to improve the working conditions and care for our staff’s health. Within our company transparency and communication are very important to us. We support these traits in our working processes, and share information, knowledge, ideas and results within our company. Our employees are expected to treat each other in a respectful manner at all times. We, in turn, respect our employees, with all their strengths and weaknesses, regardless of their social background, gender, political orientation views, or position. We value ideas and performance on merit.
Protecting the Environment
We take our environmental responsibility seriously and constantly work to improve our waste management, for environmental efforts, i.e. by optimising our waste management. Wherever possible, we also use sustainable, long-lasting materials.
Meeting Safety Standards
Safety at work has the highest priority. This means that we provide adequate control over the health and safety risks arising from our work activities. We consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety, we provide and maintain a safe plant and safe equipment, we provide information, instruction and supervision for employees and we maintain safe and healthy working conditions. We ensure that all employees are able to go about their work competently and confidently to do their tasks and, if necessary, provide adequate training. We also train and educate our employees on the prevention of accidents and cases of work-related occupational injuries.
Accepting Laws and Provisions
Our general rule is that all our employees, suppliers and other business partners must, in all their activities, follow the national laws of of their countries in which they operate. Laws, standards, rules and guidelines must be adhered to whenever and wherever there is a professional interaction with Fassmer.